What Other’s are Saying…

“Kimberly Williams writes in such a way, it is like reading a letter from a dear friend. Encouragement on each page from a friend who is in the same trenches of discipling children as you.” Lori Tullis – blogger

“Each chapter is filled with scripture and words of wisdom.  But my favorite part?  Each chapter ends with a practical application section.  In that part Kimberly has questions to ponder, things to talk about as a family, things to discuss as a husband and wife team, scripture to study and meditate on and questions to think through on your own.” Michele Pleasants, Family, Faith, and Fridays

 “…you’ll feel like you’ve experienced a powerful parenting class by the end of this book. Lori Drake, blogger

“If you are a parent who’s interested in getting Biblically “real” about the role and responsibility God has placed on you — and only you — in the upbringing of your children, this book is for you. It’s been a while since I have read a book that I felt was a “must read,” however Home Discipleship is one of those books that I would give as a gift to any Christian parent.” Renee Gotcher, NextGen Homeschool

“A refreshing biblical perspective for Christian parents in providing a biblical education and discipleship for their children within the home.” Kelly S., public school teacher

“Reading this book this summer was probably more refreshing and inspiring for me than had I attended a conference.  I was able to take my time, take notes, and even read it out loud to Mr. Amazing.  (That’s always fun!)” Dawnita Fogleman, blogger & homeschooling mother of 6

“I thank God for Kimberly Williams. May He use Home Discipleship to encourage and equip home-schooling families to train their precious children in the fear and admission of the Lord.”Ray Comfort, The Way of the Master

 “I finished Home Discipleship in 3 days. It is an amazing book that encouraged me and exhorted me continually. As a Dad, I felt the call to battle for the hearts of my children and my beautiful bride rising up in my soul throughout each chapter. I can’t recommend this book highly enough!” Matthew Christian Harding,  author – The Peleg Chronicles,  homeschool father

 “Kimberly Williams provides accessible wisdom for parents wrestling with the question, ‘How do I raise my children to be godly men and women?’ Home Discipleship offers practical answers drawn from the pages of scripture and real-life experience. Whether you’re a veteran home schooler or just starting out, Home Discipleship is a must-read.”  Jerry Cox, President of Family Council and the Arkansas Education Alliance

“I’ve known Kimberly Williams as a friend and author for several years. Her heart for Christian families and discipling the next generation in the ways of God is unmistakable. In this book, Kimberly shares timeless wisdom that will expand your vision for homeschooling and help you see it as so much more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. I’ve said it myself many times: Homeschooling is about raising the next generation for the glory of God. This book will help you do just that.” Jonathan Lewis, Editor, Home School Enrichment Magazine

“Kimberly hits the nail on the head: the relationship of home discipleship must start in the heart of the parents. When mom nourishes her own spiritual life and deepens her own relationship with God, she then has the resources with which to encourage her own children. “Home Discipleship” is about spiritual growth; Lord, may it begin with me!” Lea Ann Garfias, Author

“In a church so focused on worldwide missions, we often neglect the obligation of making disciples in our own home. This book takes the command ‘Go ye therefore and teach all nations….’ right to your own living room.” Brian & Jayna Harvison, homeschooling parents

“As a veteran homeschooling mom of 22 years, I found Kimberly’s book, “Home Discipleship” full of great tidbits and deep truths about teaching our children at home. I was both challenged in my conviction, yet felt the pressures of home schooling lifted off of me. I highly recommend reading this book.”  Karen Gilmore, homeschooling mother of 9

“I found this book to be eye-opening, as well as humbling. There are times when I have been guilty of allowing the discipleship of my children to take a back burner. This book, however, was not only a reminder of the necessity of keeping God as the focus of our homeschool, as well as our lives, but it also offered a plan for putting necessary behaviors into practice.” Lisa Carter, Our Simple Kinda Life

Kimberly challenges her readers to let go of seeking worldly happiness and find true spiritual rejoicing in Christ. Spiritual joy is a concept that I’ve wanted to restudy, and I really have enjoyed the opportunity to use and review Living Out the Word: Rejoice – a Verse-by-Verse Study for Women through Philippians.  Anna Horan, reviewer

Mrs. Williams has compiled an easy-to-understand study of the book of Philippians… it is also an in-depth and insightful study of this wonderful practical guide for living found in the book of Philippians.  Any person, who will follow this guide, will grow in their knowledge of the Word of God, and thereby grow as a believer in Christ.  I encourage all women to include this as a part of their biblical studies. – Dr. Travis Plumlee, Family Ark Ministry

It (Faith)  is a practical book, for it not only presents spiritual truth in an easy to grasp format, but the study questions challenge the reader to reflect and meditate for personal growth.  It also has the necessary personal touch, with illustrations from Kimberly’s life yet in appropriate doses, so that the book is not about her but the Word.  – Joseph Harris, pastor and author of The Rediscovery of Common Sense

(Kimberly) is a woman full of integrity who desires to speak the truth of God’s Word.  Kimberly Williams gently, yet firmly, guides us through the book of Philippians and her commitment to biblical truth confirms that God is with us each step of the way. – Kristy Matthews, pastor’s wife and author of Crossing the Bridges of Life

“I recommend this book (Mouth of Babes) to everyone. Kimberly is like a Titus 2 woman. Sharing what she’s learned in life as a Pastor’s wife and as a mom. She’s been there, done that type of thing and sharing with others.” – Vicky, Tumbleweed News                      

“…reads like a lot of deep conversations with a close friend.” – Jennifer, Glimpse of Our Life

“This book is a real treasure with hidden jewels scattered throughout the pages…Every story on every page of this book has a purpose — the author shares these stories as a way of encouraging or challenging women to live a more Godly life.” – Cristi, Through the Calm and through the Storm

“Kimberly shares her heart while she shows how to apply scripture to our daily lives and with our kids. She has a way of taking every day events and turning them into teaching moments we can all apply to our lives.” – Lisa, McClanahan 7

 “…filled to the brim with encouragement for the Christian woman. In fact, after reading the entire book, I still have several pages dog-eared for re-reading and re-thinking.” – Amy, Full Circle Homeschooling

“The practical applications after each chapter were genius, and they caused a stirring in my heart to continue to press onward toward the task given to me by The Lord.” Kassie Moon, blogger