SAHM – My family! My choice!

Anerican-dreamYesterday during a speech in Rhode Island, President Obama claimed that being a stay at home mom (SAHM) is not a choice we want American mothers making. What a funny comment from a man who hangs his hat on women’s choice, especially the right of women to choose the murder of innocent babies in the womb.

Sometimes, someone, usually Mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result,” he said. “That’s not a choice we want Americans to make.

We can all hope that it was a slip of the tongue or part of a speech taken out of context. But, one look at the agenda of the progressive left leaves little doubt that he meant exactly what he said.
• It’s not about women’s rights.
• It’s not about better day care.
• It’s not about lower wages for women.

It never has been with the left. It’s about expansion of the government. All which leads to the fragmentation of families, indoctrination of children and a push toward complete dependency on the government.

But I digressed; let’s get back to a woman’s choice…
There is still an attitude toward women who choose to stay at home of, “Oh how nice to be able to stay at home and not work” as though these families are independently wealthy and don’t need two incomes. The idea that being a SAHM is a rare privilege for a few fortunate is insulting. My husband and I made the choice for me to become a stay at home mom 18 years ago when our first child was born. That choice was not easy and we have made many sacrifices to make sure I could be at home. During this time my husband has worked extremely hard to provide for us, often working two jobs. He has done this in the middle of spending 7 years in college and seminary. Eighteen years ago I started a home business that I successfully ran for 8 years. We sold it so that I could devote more time to homeschooling (another sacrifice we chose to make). I have spent the last 5 years researching, writing, building a self-publishing business and marketing my books – all at home. This year, while pastoring and teaching online classes, my husband started another business which alone takes about 60 hours a week of his time. We certainly didn’t choose this lifestyle because we thought it would be easy. We chose for me to be a stay-at-home-mom because we knew it was best for our family. We knew that I could do a much better job at raising my children than anyone else. We knew that the sacrifices could never compare to the blessings.

So, Mr. President, would you really like to help the families of America? Do you really believe in women’s right to choose? Do you really want what is best for our country?
Here are some thoughts….

  • Why don’t we work to lower the ever increasing tax burden so that husbands’ paychecks could reach further allowing moms to stay at home? Between federal income taxes, state, county and city taxes, social security, property taxes, and sales taxes a working husbands pay is cut nearly 50%.
  • Why don’t we stop with all the regulations and stay out of health care? Here’s an idea – stop taxing people who already can’t afford insurance for not having it. Because we all know how sensible that is, right?
  • Why don’t we stay out of the way of small business so employers can have the discretion and ability to pay their hard working employees more? Stop regulating them to death and let them thrive. Small businesses ran by American families is part of the reason we are blessed with such a great country.
  • Why don’t we start enforcing laws and punish those who come into our country illegally instead of giving them our hard earned money. Stop rewarding the law breakers with free health care and government assistance.
  • Why don’t we stop pushing for the enrollment of 6 million American children into preschool? Instead, elevate a mother’s choice and once again appreciate the value that mothers have in raising their own children. The President might not want stay at home moms, but I can promise you that American’s children do! They want their mothers. They need their mothers. It doesn’t and never has taken a village to raise a child.

Election Day is 4 days away. I will choose to vote for those who hold these same values. What about you?